
Cover Letter

The "don'ts" of cover letter writing

Avoid giving the impression that you are either too lazy to find a PC or too outdated to use word-processing packages.

Don't sign your name in coloured ink

Don't discuss your emotions, feelings or sensitive issues (such as chronic illness)

The employer is only interested in what you can do and how you would do it. If there are unusual circumstances to discuss, wait until the end of the interview.

Don't mention your salary history unless this is specifically requested

Determine how closely you meet the needs of the position before discussing your salary. Revealing salary details too early may bias the employer against you or undermine your negotiating power.

Don't include any negative information of any kind

Discussions of why you left your last job, how you were made redundant, why you did not like your last manager and difficulties you have experienced in your job search are inappropriate in cover letters. Focus only on positive, relevant experiences.

Don't repeat words or phrases from your resume

Your cover letter is a chance to add extra value and really draw the recruiter's attention to the ways in which you match the job. No-one will bother to read the same information twice.

Don't use correction fluid

No matter how subtly it is used, correction fluid always creates a bad impression.

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What is cover letter?
What is the best way to write a cover letter?

The "do's" of cover letter writing
The "don'ts" of cover letter writing

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Attention-grabbing opening phrases
An example of a standard cover letter format
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