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1.    pursuant to / in pursuance of
・相近英語用詞:according to / in accordance with;意思:根據
・Example: This Contract shall be construed in all respects in pursuance of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
2.    in lieu of
・相近英語用詞:instead of;意思:替代
・Example: The Company may terminate this Agreement by giving salary in lieu of notice to the Employee.
3.    notwithstanding
・Example: Notwithstanding the condition specified in Provision 6(A), the Employee shall not be entitled to any annual leave during the probationary period.
4.    vice versa
・Example: Any expression in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.
5.    without prejudice to
・Example: Any termination of this Contract will be without prejudice to any rights and obligations of the parties.


法律用語不只生僻字 句構也是特點


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