DBS Bank (HK) Limited
About DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the world. Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named “ World’s Best Bank ” by Global Finance, “ World’s Best Bank ” by Euromoney and “ Global Bank of the Year ” by The Banker. The bank is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named “ World’s Best Digital Bank ” by Euromoney and the world’s “ Most Innovative in Digital Banking ” by The Banker. In addition, DBS has been accorded the “ Safest Bank in Asia “ award by Global Finance for 16 consecutive years from 2009 to 2024. DBS provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBS understands the intricacies of doing business in the region’s most dynamic markets. DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, as it banks the Asian way. Through the DBS Foundation, the bank creates impact beyond banking by supporting social enterprises: businesses with a double bottom-line of profit and social and/or environmental impact. DBS Foundation also gives back to society in various ways, including equipping communities with future-ready skills and building food resilience. With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff , DBS presents exciting career opportunities. For more information, please visit www.dbs.com . 關於星展銀行 星展集團是亞洲最大的金融服務集團之一,業務遍及19個市場。總部設於新加坡並於當地上市,星展業務覆蓋亞洲三大增長主軸,即大中華、東南亞和南亞地區。星展資本充裕,所取得的AA-和Aa1級信貸評級位列全球最高級別之一。 星展集團分別獲 《環球金融》 、 《歐洲貨幣》 及 《銀行家》 選為「全球最佳銀行」,引證集團的全球領導地位。集團亦帶領業界以數碼科技重塑銀行業未來,獲《歐洲貨幣》選為「 全球最佳數碼銀行 」及獲《銀行家》選為「 全球最佳創新數碼銀行 」。此外,星展於2009至2024年更連續16年榮獲《環球金融雜誌》評選為「 亞洲最安全的銀行 」。 星展集團在亞洲提供包括個人銀行、中小企業銀行及大型企業銀行的全面金融服務。生於亞洲、長於亞洲,星展洞悉在亞洲這個充滿活力的市場經營業務的秘訣,亦深信與客戶建立長久的夥伴關係。透過星展基金會,為社會帶來正面的影響,支持兼具獲利和為社會和/或環境影響的雙重底線特質的社會企業。星展基金會亦積極回饋社會,包括為社區提供未來技能及食物支援。 星展於亞洲擁有廣泛的業務網絡,並著重員工溝通與賦權,提供員工廣闊的發展機會。 如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽 www.dbs.com 。
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