Uniqlo Hong Kong Limited
UNIQLO is a globally renowned fashion retailer, with over 2,400 stores worldwide, and is part of the Fast Retailing Group. Our mission is to offer high-quality, innovative apparel that enriches people’s lives while also transforming clothes, conventional wisdom, and the world. At UNIQLO, we believe in the power of talent. We are eager to support individuals with a strong desire to grow, regardless of their background. With clear career advancement plans and comprehensive development support, we provide a platform for you to unleash your potential and achieve your aspirations. Join our dynamic and ever-evolving environment, where constant changes provide an exhilarating work experience that keeps you engaged and motivated. UNIQLO是全球知名的時尚零售商,在全球擁有超過2,400家店舖,隸屬於迅銷集團。我們本著「改變服裝、改變常識、改變世界」的企業理念,致力於創造品質優良、擁有嶄新價值的服裝,並為充實全世界所有人的日常生活而貢獻力量。 在UNIQLO,我們重視人才,希望讓每一位員工都可找到改變的力量,成為更美好的自己。在這裡,你能體驗充滿新挑戰的多元化工作環境,不論你的年齡或資歷如何,只要你抱持服務精神與追求自我成長 ,通過 UNIQLO 的完善培訓制度和清晰職業規劃,我們提供各種機會 ,讓你能持續進步、發揮潛能,達到目標。
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