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【職場英語】7個身體語言的真正意思 助你讀懂上司心意!

與別人溝通的時候,大家最留意甚麼?說話內容、腔調態度或是身體語言?事實上,加州大學洛杉磯分校心理學教授Albert Mehrabian博士提出了一套非常經典的理論—7:38:55定律,他表示別人對你觀感,有55%是來自肢體語言,38%來自語調,只有7%是來自說話內容。因此,身體語言是在提升溝通技巧中非常重要的一環。



1/ Hands behind head 雙手放於頭部後方 = Dominant主導

E.g. When we talk to our boss, he always put his hands behind head.

2/ Mirroring鏡像效應 = Accepting認同

E.g. Mirroring is one of the important symptoms when your colleagues like chatting with you.

3/ Arms crossed over the chest手臂交叉抱胸 = Defensive防禦

E.g. I think the client is not interested in this project. He kept putting his arms crossed over his chest when you were talking.

4/ Head tilts to one side頭部向左/向右傾側 = Interested感興趣

E.g. Her head tilts when she was talking to you.

5/ Leaning forward 身體向前傾 = Interested感興趣

E.g. The interviewer is leaning forward during the interview. I think you will be hired.

6/ Shrug聳肩 = Do not understand 不明白

E.g. My colleague always shrugs and says “I don’t know”. It makes me feel annoyed.

7/ Rub one’s hands搓手 = Enthusiastic 熱情

E.g. He was rubbing his hands when the boss assigned the big project to him.

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