電郵是職場上常用的通訊方式,不論打工仔還是HR都需要寫得大方得體,才可以建立一個專業又可靠的形象,試想想,如果打工仔的電郵寫得一塌糊塗,又或者HR寫的內部電郵辭不達意,作為上司、同事或客戶,又怎會對他們有信心呢?所以,想要寫出一封專業又得體的電郵,用詞及文法非常重要。以下為大家拆解10個打工仔的常犯錯誤,原來「Please kindly」、「Well received with thanks」、「Double confirm」的寫法都並不正確?
電郵常見錯誤1/ Well received with thanks
Well received並不是指「好好地收到」,而是認同、認可的意思。想要表達「已收到」,可以用……
✓Received/ Noted with thanks.
✓Well noted.
電郵常見錯誤2/ Please kindly
✓Could you please…
✓Would you be able to…
電郵常見錯誤3/ Please find attachment
✓Please refer to the attached…
✓Attached is…
電郵常見錯誤4/ I want to tell you
這個表達方式比較無禮,並不適合商務溝通。打工仔不妨可以用“Would like”代替……
✓I would like to inform you that…
✓Please note that…
電郵常見錯誤5/ Email to you
✓Please email me the file.
✓I will email you the details.
電郵常見錯誤6/ Double confirm
許多人以為Double等於"re",再一次的意思。然而,其實Double和"re"的意思不一樣。Double是「雙重」的意思,Double confirm意思會變成雙重確認,感覺起來是要一道、兩道確認程序,與「再次確認」的意思不符。想表達再次確認,你可以用……
✓Second confirmation
電郵常見錯誤7/ Thank you in advance
”Thank you in advance”的意思是「先謝謝你了」,聽起來很有禮貌,但這句話的背後意思是已經假設了對方一定會幫你,有一種咄咄迫人的感覺。如果你想作道謝,可以這樣表達……
✓Thank you for considering my request.
✓I will be grateful for any help you can provide.
✓Thanks and let me know if any questions.
電郵常見錯誤8/ Please be noted that
以Please開頭的句子是祈使句,主詞You省略了,而”Please note”是請你注意,說「請被注意」並不通。
✓Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days.
✓Please note that the deadline for submitting the project proposal has been extended to next Friday.
電郵常見錯誤9/ Can you
”Can you”用於詢問對方有沒有能力做一件事,帶點質疑意味,如果你想請求別人幫忙,可以這樣表達……
✓Could you……
✓Would you be able to……
電郵常見錯誤10/ Look forward to hear from you
"Look forward to"中的"to"是介系詞,後面應使用V-ING動名詞形式。
✓Look forward to hearing from you.
想喺Email快速表明目的?按下圖即睇7大「For your…」用法。
延伸閲讀:【職場英語】想寫專業商用email?即學10個常用實用片語 助你英文level up!
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