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【職場英語】見工面試被問有咩缺點? 學識呢10個形容詞 令HR即刻加你分




1. Over organized 過分有條理

E.g. I look into details and become over organized. I will finish all the tasks on time though.

2. Aggressive 好勝

E.g. Being aggressive is one of my shortcomings. However, aggressive is sometimes an advantage at workplace, in order to improve myself continuously.

3. Stubborn 固執

E.g. I may come across as a little stubborn, but I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.

4. Shy 害羞

E.g. I am quite shy and afraid of public speaking. I’m learning to talk more.

5. Lack of Language Skills 缺乏語言技巧

E.g. Lack of language skills is one of my weaknesses, but I’m working on it.

6. Detail-oriented過分關注細節

E.g. Being too detail-oriented may affect my productivity. Thus, I’m trying to focus more on the bigger picture when there’s tight deadline.

7. Impatient 沒有耐性

E.g. I was an impatient person. However, I am trying hard to control my temper and I think there has been a big improvement.

8. Tending to procrastinate 拖延

E.g. I keep delaying things and tending to procrastinate. But I know the importance of time management, so I’m working hard on it by marking schedule.

9. Timid 膽小

E.g. My workload was heavy in the previous company, but I am too timid to say “no”. It made me feel pressured. I learned a lesson and will try to express my feeling if necessary.

10. Lack of experience經驗不足

E.g. Although I am lack of experience, I think I am suitable for this job because I am a quick learner.







【星級斜槓族】Grace陳凱琳享受「媽的多重身分」 惟暫無意再拍劇 自認慈母 老公鄭嘉穎卻有微言?!


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