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Green Tomato Limited


About Green Tomato Limited

Established in 2003, GreenTomato is a Hong Kong based leading technology corporate specialises in provision of professional and reliable mobile enterprise solutions and creation of award-winning mobile apps. GT is now a winner of over 100 local and global awards including Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Grand Award winner and Red Herring Global 100. And we always attribute the company success to every single team member.

GT grew from a small scale startup to a family with more than 300 passionates over 5 regional offices. With expertise and excellent teamwork, over 500 highly creditable mobile apps, web services and over 150 long-term partnerships were formed with many MNCs including AIA, AXA, Prudential, HSBC, BOCHK, Apple Inc, BMW etc.

Everyone in GT is our treasured asset, we value on personal growth and communication among teams. Employees get chance to learn from abundant in-field practical training, to share their thoughts and carry out innovative ideas. Throughout 15 years of journey, we would proudly say that our team has successfully developed Hong Kong Movie (Hong Kong’s largest movie community) , TalkBox Voice Messenger (#1 social networking app around the world), Timable (Hong Kong’s biggest event and concert guide). etc. and formed our in-house startup accelerator, GT STUDIO, to make our own ecosystem more complete.

Only a passionate team player like you can bring our business to the forefront!

For more information, please visit our website at and join our Facebook page.

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Life in Green Tomato Limited

Our office

Address:  20/F, Harbourside HQ, 8 Lam Chak Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon.

Tel: (852) 2866 0084


Our employees

「編碼程式以外 - 軟件開發人也須具備創意思維?」


Working life

Recent Updates


【GT Group x Microsoft 呈獻 ViuTV《智富通》市場脈搏】


早前 Microsoft 邀請了 GT Group 及GreenTomato 營運總監 Benny Leung到 ViuTV「智富通」節目,講述 GreenTomato 以及GT Group成員Storellet如何夥拍Microsoft協助我哋嘅客戶數碼轉型!


【GT Group x HSBC VisionGO 十大最受歡迎文章】


GreenTomat 於今年四月伙拍HSBC VisionGO,聯同GT Group成員(排名不分先後)GreenTomato Academy、Sanuker、Storellet、Hong Kong Movie以及Women In Work,製作咗接近70篇內容豐富的文章上架!

以下係從平台數據顯示十大最受歡迎文章,如果大家之前Miss咗,可以到HSBC VisionGO GreenTomato專頁睇返喇!新嘅一年我哋會繼續努力,造更多好嘅內容比大家,請拭目以待!



1. 想入行做IT唔一定要識寫Code同做IT Support嘅,其實都仲有好多可能性!

2. 1年1億生意額,台灣電商是怎樣做到的?

3. 喺香港做微信小程序有啲咩要注意?

4. 如何用5分鐘申請WhatsApp Business API?

5. 重塑品牌Logo時要考慮的5點

6. 【對抗「疫」市」】專訪日本餐廳夫婦:「熟客不停回頭消費,一星期換幾次優惠」

7. 飯券餐券大變身!Storellet 2020年電子餐券新計劃

8. 【D-Biz第二次申請3大注意事項】Storellet 電子會員系統方案 D-Biz資助成功獲批!

9. 用戶體驗設計的「WTF」比你想像中更為重要

10. 【Storellet 熟客故事】訪問牛一幫襯五年熟客:無人比我哋更熟牛一!


【GT INSIGHT|轉行身價飆升 投身科創事業不是男士專利】


GT Group成員Sanuker是本地聊天機械人(Chatbot)推手,更是最早期 WhatsApp 和 Facebook Messenger 的香港官方合作夥伴。

團隊要員有前公務員 Vicky 以及前空中服務員 Kristy,兩位女孩子不怕從頭學起,現在已經成為產品總監和軟件工程師,她們的故事,會鼓勵到正在考慮重新出發的你嗎?


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