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Popular Holdings Limited

About Popular Holdings Limited

Being rooted in Hong Kong for over 7 decades, POPULAR has been devoted to providing educational services with the best quality for students in Hong Kong. The main business scope of the Group includes education, publication and relevant retail businesses.

The Group publishes high quality educational materials, supplementary workbooks, exam practices, e-books, educational platform resources and various kinds of books for teachers and students, in order to stimulate students to have an all-rounded development. Relying on our profound knowledge in the publication business in Hong Kong, the Group expanded our business to the learning centre service industry. With the extensive educational resources, we implement an up-to-date electronic education model to focus on promoting the learning efficiency of students in Hong Kong.

Recently, we took initiative to develop an electronic retail platform, hoping to pass down our culture and knowledge. Furthermore, we would like to raise the standard of educational services by introducing innovations to the education industry. So that we can explore our future alongside with students in Hong Kong.





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