As a multi-faceted Hong Kong-based company with over 1,800 employees, Shun Hing Group comprises many subsidiaries across a broad spectrum of businesses.
Established in 1953, Shun Hing Group is the sole agent for Panasonic brand products in Hong Kong and Macau. In addition to serving as agent or distributor for brands of international heritage in home appliances, audio-visual, health and beauty care, kitchen and household products, telecommunications systems, business equipment, office furniture and cold chain products, we are also involved in engineering, contracting and electrical appliances servicing, logistics, advertising production, system installation and maintenance, as well as property investment and management in China.
Having enjoyed more than 60 years of steady expansion, the Group continues to build its business by enhancing customers' lifestyle and comfort through prestigious products and excellent services.
信興集團為一所建基於香港的大型企業,擁有多元化的業務及眾多成員公司,現有逾1,800名員工。1953年,蒙民偉博士成立信興行,其後更獲松下電器產業株式會社(現稱「Panasonic Corporation」)委任為Panasonic產品之港澳區總代理,推廣普及各種家庭電器產品。信興集團的業務範疇包括代理或分銷多個品牌的家庭電器、影音、健康美容、廚櫃及家居產品、通訊及文儀器材、辦公室傢具及商用冷凍設備等。集團其他核心業務包括機電工程及承建、電器維修及保養、物流、廣告製作、系統安裝及保養,以及中國房地產投資及物業管理項目。