CTgoodjobs - Career Times Online Limited


About CTgoodjobs - Career Times Online Limited

About CTgoodjobs - Career Times Online Limited

CTgoodjobs, a brand extension under Career Times Online Ltd., is a member of the Hong Kong Economic Times Group (Stock code: 423). We offer recruitment and employer branding solutions to recruiters, and also support job seekers with full range of free career resources. To cater for a diverse range of target audience, CTgoodjobs has strong social media presence with over 327,000 facebook fans.

Employment Agency Licence No. 64617

關於 CTgoodjobs - Career Times Online Limited

CTgoodjobs為Career Times Online Ltd的延伸品牌,香港經濟日報集團的成員之一(股份代號:00423)。我們以優質的使用者界面及體驗,為僱主提供最有效的人才方案,同時為求職者免費提供全方位求職資訊。 為了配合不同目標群,CTgoodjobs著力發展各社交媒體平台,其中Facebook專頁的粉絲人數更超過327,000。

職業介紹所牌照號碼. 64617

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Life in CTgoodjobs - Career Times Online Limited












Our office

CTgoodjobs is located at Unit 1008-9, Kodak House II, 321 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong.

Tel : +852 2156 2626
Email : ad@CTgoodjobs.hk

Our employees


I am Ava from the customer service team. Working at CTgoodjobs lets me enhance my communication skills and build up my network through contact with clients in different industries. Training provided by CTgoodjobs helps me to acquire product knowledge. This enables me to be more effective in solving clients’ problems with my deep understanding of the products. In addition, the company gives me a great deal of freedom and space to participate in different areas of work. From preparing reports to following up with a client's promotion plan, I have the chance to participate in different parts of work and learn from the process. Having good communication skills is not the only key to success. Through the process of working, I have come to know that being attentive to detail is also an important element for becoming a good customer service officer.


Working life

Recent Updates


Best HR Award 2020


To recognise outstanding talent acquisition and development thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among enterprises, CTgoodjobs was excited to hold the Presentation Ceremony of BEST HR Awards 2020 on Jan 2021, and gave out a total of 31 awards, including Employer of the Year, Best Talent Management Strategy Award, Best Innovative L&D Initiative Award, Best of the Best HR STAR of the Year.

為表彰企業在人才招聘和培訓的傑出表現,從而鼓勵企業不斷追求創作和卓越,CTgoodjobs於2021年1月隆重舉辦「Best HR Awards 2020」頒獎典禮,並頒發了31個類別的人力資源獎項,其中包括年度僱主、最佳人才管理策略、最佳培育及發展創新、年度最佳人力資源翹楚等多項大獎。


Hong Kong Future Leaders Award 2019


In order to help companies better facilitate sustainable development and explore potential young talents, CTgoodjobs was excited to organize first Hong Kong Future Leaders Award 2019, which has attracted more than 200 graduates and students from top universities around the world to participate. Six winners were chosen to work with chief officers from the leading enterprises (i.e. AXA, Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong International Airport, LAWSGROUP, New World Development Company Limited and PCCW/HKT) for five days after rounds of competitions.

為了推動企業的可持續發展,CTgoodjobs首次舉辦「Hong Kong Future Leaders Award 2019」,吸引了超過200位來自世界各地頂尖大學的畢業生和學生參與。經過常多輪比拼和篩選後, 6位勝出者可以跟隨各大企業( AXA安盛、國泰航空有限公司、香港機場管理局、羅氏集團、新世界發展有限公司及香港電訊)的管理層進行5天影子實習,企業可以趁這個機會發掘有潛質的未來領袖。


Jumping Man 2018 (College competition)


Since 2014, recruitment portal CTgoodjobs has held the Jumping Man programe with different organisations, aiming to help youth prepare for their career. In 2018, CTgoodjobs, Cyberport and Ztore have joined to hold the Jumping Man 2018 competition. Participants are to use their creativity to design a business and marketing plan for the missions.

為協助大專生備戰職場,CTgoodjobs與士多及數碼港合辦「Jumping Man校園見習生2018」活動(下稱Jumping Man),邀請一眾大專生以組隊方式完成任務。
踏入第5個年頭,Jumping Man今年成功邀請士多及數碼港為合作伙伴,吸引到來自各大專院校的學生,勝出者更會獲得高達$2.5萬獎金及實習機會。


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