壓力不是萬惡之源,少量壓力有助你更容易進步,但大部分工作人士處於過大壓力下會令身體進入「戰鬥或逃跑(Fight or Flight)」狀態,長期導致身體情況變差。曾任醫管局法醫精神科醫生,精神科註冊醫生 何美怡分析,壓力來源可以為管理模式、人際關係、工作時間長、完美主義等,建議改善思考角度,數一數正面積極的事項,紓緩壓力。
中港代理商華敦國際集團(Fairton International Group)人力資源總經理衛有安先生
聽多了人力資源這個名詞,但這個行業的基本是什麼?從事多年在人力資源界,歐美高級時裝品牌的中港代理商華敦國際集團(Fairton International Group)人力資源總經理衛有安表示,人力資源從業員應有五大訴求:加薪、升職、少減薪、不裁員,以及人力資源的專業。前四項是作為人力資源從業員該因應公司情況而作出的改變,而最後一項則最容易忽略,「我們自覺很專業,在他人眼中卻不是如此。」
Managing Director and Executive Director HKET Holdings
9:10am - 9:40am
Guest Sharing (I)
Mr. Raymond Chan
Managing Director, 9F International Holdings
Talent Management in Fintech
9:40am - 10:05am
Award Presentation (Part I)
10:05am - 10:25am
Refreshment Break
10:25am - 10:55am
Guest Sharing (II)
Dr. Ho Mei Yee Robyn
Forensic Psychiatry Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, St. Bartholomew's and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London, U.K. Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, U.K. Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Psychiatry) Master of Social Sciences (Criminology), University of Hong Kong
Sleep VS Stress
10:55am - 11:20am
Award Presentation (Part II)
11:20am - 11:30am
Speech Award Presentation (Part III) Souvenir Presentation to all judges & Group Photo
Dr. Bernard Chan, JP
Under Secy for Commerce & Econ Dev
11:30am - 12:00nn
Panel Discussion - Talent acquisition and development in Greater China
Moderator: Ms. Janet Man
General Manager, Talent Management Group Human Resources Jardine Matheson Limited
Ms. Clara Kwan
Managing Director, Human Resources Value Partners Limited
Mr. Raymond Chan
Managing Director, 9F International Holdings
12:00nn - 12:15pm
Lucky Draw
AM Session Ends
12:15 - 1:30pm Lunch Break
PM Session
1:30pm - 2pm
PM Session Registration Time
Event Starts - PM Session
2pm - 2:10pm
Souvenir Presentation to all judges & Group Photo
2:10pm - 2:40pm
Guest Sharing (III)
Mr. Angus Wai
Head of Human Resources in MaxMara Fashion Group in Hong Kong and Macau
Back to Basics: HR Fundamentals Revisited
2:40pm - 3:10pm
Award Presentation (Part IV)
3:10pm - 3:40pm
Guest Sharing (IV)
Ms. Rachele Focardi
Chief Strategy Officer- APJ Global Employer Branding Advisor Universum
Talent Attraction and Recruitment Marketing
3:40pm - 3:55pm
Refreshment Break
3:55pm - 4:10pm
Award Presentation (Part V)
4:10pm - 4:55pm
Keynote Speaker
Professor. Randy Chiu, MH
Professor of Management and Director of Centre for Human Resources Strategy and Development, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University